The World is Not Over

First of all, I would like to start off by saying that I am registered as an independent. I try my best to be unbiased and I do not approve of sexism and racism in any way. That being said, the anti-Trump movement needs to end.

Donald Trump may not know as much about the political system as Hilary Clinton, but he is not stupid. One of the things that every successful businessman knows is that you must surround yourself with experts and people who DO know what they are talking about. Trump has an army of economic geniuses who are going to guide him and make effective economic policies.

Clinton and Trump seem like they disagree on everything. But, if you break down both of their major policies, you will find that their policies are very similar. Many Republicans did not back Trump because his policies were, in fact, very Democratic. Many people don’t know this, but Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for many years. So, Trump has had to support very conservative policies, such as abortion, immigration, and gun control, along with having a very conservative Vice President, Mike Pence, in order to appeal to the platform of the Republican Party and to secure those votes.

So maybe Trump isn’t as big of an idiot as everyone thinks. His speeches aren’t as great as Obama’s or as planned-out like Hillary’s, but behind the scenes is where Donald Trump thrives. In my opinion, this is exactly what the country needs. Most politicians nowadays are very superficial and say whatever people want to hear in order to get elected. Donald Trump says what he thinks, whether people like it or not, and I respect him for that.

Whether or not you support Donald Trump, he is still the 45th president of the United States and is going to do his best to help the country. All I am trying to say is that we should give the man a chance. God Bless America.