Best Mullets of Towson High

The mullet is undoubtedly the best hair style of the modern era. Nothing says “business in the front, party in the back” quite like it. Only a special kind of man is able to contain the great power and awesomeness of the mullet. So today, we are here to recognize the best mullets of Towson High.
It is said that only a descendant of rap artist Based God himself could pull off a mullet like the one that Nick Wynn has. This 90’s style turn of the decade mullet is a work of pure art. Nick says that his inspiration came during the baseball season: “The team was talking about growing mullets, but it was all talk, nobody really went through with it.” His hair started as a “half-mullet kind of thing,” but Nick kept with it, and ever since senior portraits, he’s been livin’ it up.
Duncan Branch
Duncan Branch, with his lion’s mane, is an inspiration for redheads everywhere, with a head of hair that exudes confidence. Nick Wynn, fellow teammate and mullet expert, described it best: “When Duncan is running around the bases after smashing a home run, you can’t help but gaze in amazement at his awesome hair.” Others witnesses describe his hair as if it were flames of exhaust from one of Vin Diesel’s cars in The Fast & Furious. When asked about the topic, Duncan said, “they say you are what you eat, but I don’t remember eating a legend.”
Senior Jake Elstro transferred to Towson in his junior year from Loyola High School. He brought two gifts with him – his mad lax skills and his great head of hair. Voted one of the top rat-mullets of Towson High, Jake Elstro’s been in the mullet game as long as he can remember. “You can’t abandon the mullet game once you enter it,” says Jake. According to some sources, there have been rumors that Elstro plans to cut his hair soon, which has caused some commotion among his mullet supporters. Luckily, recent reports have confirmed that Elstro is not abandoning his signature look and is, in fact, “…gonna make it rage this weekend.” We can’t wait to see what surprises his mullet has in store for us.
Gone are the days of the bushy fro for underclassman Leighton Bechdel. This wonder kid has managed to turn his thick curly locks into a one-of-a-kind mullet. If you find yourself rooting for underdogs, then Leighton’s Cinderella story is sure to melt your heart. “They used to tell me that my hair was nothing; that I would never have beautiful hair, and that I would be ugly forever,” he said. “Well who’s laughing now?” You are, Leighton. You are.
There you have it. The manliest, most raging mullets of Towson High. They say kindness is contagious, so if you’re lucky enough to cross paths with anyone rocking a nice mullet, feel free to give them a shout. Maybe something like, “Hey! Nice mullet,” or, “Sick mullet!” and let the joy and happiness of the mullet spread like the plague.