The Unofficial Guide to Naviance
Hey juniors! As your third year at Towson High begins, it’s time to start thinking about colleges. One way to start planning for the application process is to visit the Naviance website. Look below to read some FAQs about Naviance so you can become an expert on all things college-related and get into the school of your dreams.
What is Naviance?
Naviance is an online program similar to the College Board website. Its purpose is to prepare students for the college application process (yippee!) and keep track of their academic progress. High school students can take advantage of the many features available, such as college searches, personality tests, and career assessments.
How can I register for Naviance?
The good news is you already have an account set up by guidance! To log in, you have to enter the school’s zip code (21286) and select Towson High. Your username is the same as your BCPS username and your password is your birthday (DD/MM/YYYY). Once you log in, you can change this information by clicking on “About Me” and then selecting “account.” It is recommended that you switch your username to your email address.
What information does Naviance provide?
By clicking on “profile” under “About Me,” you can view your weighted and unweighted GPA and your current class rank (so you can brag to everyone). Under “test scores,” you’ll find your PSAT, SAT, AP, and other test results. On the home page, there is also a timeline of what juniors should be doing to prepare for college applications next fall.
What college services does Naviance provide?
With Naviance, you can use the college search engine to find schools that match your criteria. If you find a school that looks promising, you can save it in “colleges I’m thinking about.” You can also sign up for college visits through Naviance. These college visits take place at Towson and are usually held in room 235. Naviance also provides maps and scatter grams that show you where your test scores and GPA place among the scores that colleges have accepted in the past.
How can Naviance help my academic success?
Under “my planner,” you can record due dates for assignments under the to-do list. It’s a helpful way to keep track of homework and other goals or projects you are working on, especially if you tend to be disorganized and forgetful (like every high school student, ever).
Does Naviance provide information about careers?
Naviance lets you explore career options and also helps you connect your interests to a future occupation. You can take their personality test to determine what careers are best for you or you can use the “cluster finder” to identify a group of careers. If you haven’t thought about your future yet, Naviance is a good place to start.
Visit to get started. Exploring Naviance is a great way to put off your other work without feeling too guilty. The college application process is coming up fast, so get planning today!