Ring Dance 2018


Photo via Adele Berkowitz

When I came to school on Friday morning, which is also referred to as “Ring Day” – arguably one of the biggest days of the year for Towson’s sophomores – I could feel the excitement in the air as students prepared themselves for the dance that would occur that night.   

A lot of preparation goes into Ring, not only by the steering committee but also by the students. Those attending the dance prepared for the dance all week to look and feel their best during the year’s hottest social. Sophomores and the occasional upperclassman date were eager for a night full of commotion and excitement. Ring Dance offers a night of fun and relief from the approaching end of the quarter. 

On the day of the dance, an abundance of students waltzed into school with freshly painted finger and toe nails. Many sophomore girls also got spray tans to achieve the perfect, glowing complexion to show off their rings.  The exciting energy surged through the hallways and the students were ecstatic to dance all night. 

When I arrived at Towson High School for the acclaimed Ring Dance with my group of friends, the line trailed out of the auditorium doors and the ticket check-in was chaotic. Following the ticket check-in table was a coat check for students to drop their jackets and show off their fabulous outfits for the event.      

As custom for Towson dances, there was a mob of students in the middle enjoying the music and everyone else strayed outside of the circle. The cafeteria lights were off and sparkling lights twinkled across the ceiling. The music was pounding, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. 

Following the dance, some students supported the tradition of getting food to replenish their energy after a night of dancing. My friends and I travelled to the Towson Diner where we savored delicious food and spotted many others from Towson doing the same. 

Sophomores and attending upperclassman had a great time and are sad it’s over. The dance has been described as “upbeat”, “energetic”, and “loads of fun.” Sophomore Rachael Saeli was hesitant to go but was glad she did as she described the dance as “a fun time to be had with friends and definitely a memory I won’t forget.” 

Ring was an amazing experience and I would highly recommend all rising freshman buy a ticket when their time comes. I commend the steering committee and the students for making Ring a great night!