Accepting Your Acceptances And Rejections
In the stressful world of senior year, which includes college applications, SATs, ACTs, and APs, how can you not go CRAZY? The hardest dilemma that seniors battle is the impatience we face while waiting for decisions from colleges. Submitting the application is only half the battle, but what happens if you get that dreaded letter of denial?
Take a deep breath, and don’t cry your eyes out. What the world forgets to tell you is that the college you go to doesn’t determine your success. Going to Harvard or Yale is not an indicator that you will be a CEO of a big company while attending a non-Ivy League school isn’t an indicator that you will be working a job you will completely loathe. Your future is determined by your motivation and ambition, not the school that is written on your degree. Although highly-ranked schools offer many opportunities and connections, there have been numerous people who, after they graduate, end up jobless.
Even if you don’t get into your top choice school, you can still make lasting connections that will help you tremendously in the future when looking for a job. At the same time, another person can go to Princeton and stay in their dorm all the time, and not bother to network or join new groups. If you’re passionate, motivated, and smart you will shine ANYWHERE you go. Don’t let that denial letter make you feel like you aren’t worthy. So many overqualified people get denied every year, and the school you don’t get into doesn’t define your worth. The school you get into doesn’t define your worth either, but it’s awesome to get accepted!
So many talented people have been denied from top colleges, and they’re doing just fine. Steven Spielberg applied to USC Film School several times, and even UCLA. He didn’t get into either, so he went to California State University. Eventually, USC decided to give Steven an honorary doctorate, which just goes to show that colleges don’t realize how many good people they’re rejecting.
I know not getting into your top choice feels like the end of the world, but in a year it won’t mean anything. Undergrad doesn’t matter much; it’s about where you finish, not where you start. Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t get into your top choice. Wipe those tears away, and remember you’re still awesome! Your willingness to learn and passion for life will be evident any place you end up. College is about “fit,” not brand name, so apply to the college where your heart feels most at home.