AP Tests are coming up!
If you’re one of the many students at Towson taking an AP (or multiple!) you’ve probably noticed that it’s almost May- exam time! These tests are very important as they determine whether you can use your score to get college credit. Scores can also be an indicator of your expertise in certain subjects for colleges to note.
Spring break is also coming up, and a good idea would be to use this time off to study for your class. You don’t have to do it all at once, but committing to studying will help you a lot. You don’t want to regret not studying after you take the test, so start now! A simple pledge to study for 30 minutes a day can go a long way.
AP tests are scored on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest and putting you in the top 10-20% of students who took that test. A score of 3+ is generally considered passing. Colleges are all different in what scores they accept. For example, Harvard may only accept 5’s for college credit, but another college may accept 3’s. If you want to see what scores a specific college accepts for the different tests you can view that on the CollegeBoard website.
There are thousands of resources available on the internet to help you. A youtube search of your AP class will likely show you credible creators who help numerous students like you. Also, you can purchase review books such as the Princeton Review. These books can be expensive, but they are available to borrow for free at BCPL! You can request books online here with an account: https://www.bcpl.info/
Starting with a study plan can be very helpful as beginning this process can be overwhelming and stressful. Spring break is also coming up, and a good idea would be to use this time off to study for your class. You don’t have to do it all at once, but committing to studying will help you a lot. You don’t want to regret not studying after you take the test, so start now! A simple pledge to study for 30 minutes a day can go a long way.
The Princeton Review and other online tools I have found to be pretty informative and helpful. They advise students, and after all, they are the experts. Don’t limit yourself to what’s supplied to you in class. Expand your knowledge further and use the internet! Some people are dedicated to providing assistance and tips to AP test-takers. https://www.princetonreview.com/college-advice/ap-exams
Lastly, take note of what day and time your AP exam is. If you’re taking multiple tests you can see how far they are apart and when you can cram in some last-minute studying.
After you take the test in May, you’ll have to wait until early July to view your results on the CollegeBoard website. Start studying now so you’ll have a good score to look forward to! Good luck generals!