Ring Dance
Ring Dance for sophomores is scheduled to take place on March 10th, 2023. The theme for the dance is Vegas Night Lights. The doors open at 7pm and no one arriving after 8 will be permitted inside. It’s a highly anticipated event as it’s just for sophomores and one of the only dances of the year. We interviewed a member of the class of ‘24 who attended the dance last year.
To get more insight on this event, we decided to interview a current junior, Sophia Karpers, on her experience at the ring dance last year.
Which dance did you like better, ring or homecoming?
“Probably homecoming since there were more people instead of just my grade and I have friends in different grades at school so homecoming was definitely 10x more fun than ring. There was a mutual agreement between everyone in my grade that the ring dance wasn’t as fun as we thought it would be. Personally I thought it was fun but homecoming was more fun to me.”
What are your thoughts on the ring dance itself?
“Ring dance is definitely an experience. It’s not what I totally expected, I wanna say. One thing that kind of annoyed me were the rings itself. All the other private schools have rings and they’re all the exact same ring and I wished we did that instead of choosing and customizing our own. Customizing is fun but I’d rather have a set ring that everyone can get instead of customizing but that’s just my personal opinion. Overall it was fun, it was basically like homecoming but for your class only. One thing I wish we could’ve done is bring a date from another grade because it was just the sophomore class which was fun but at the same time there were not that many people because some people also decided not to go.”
How did people act at the dance?
“I don’t remember anyone getting in trouble. Everyone pretty much followed the rules and had a good time.”
How was the music?
“They did play the basics like “Party in the USA” and stuff like that so it was good music everyone sang along and danced. It was pretty good but I wish it was a little better.”
Was there a dress code?
“There was a dress code, there were rules, and there was a contract people had to sign. Most of the girls wore dresses like I wore a short pink dress. Most boys wore khakis and a polo shirt. The ceremony we all were in the auditorium and the day before we had a rehearsal about where we sat, how we would get our rings, and how to sit back down. The ceremony was nice. It went well, maybe lasting 30-45 minutes. Right from the ceremony we went to the dance itself. Not everyone went to the ceremony but they did go to the dance.
Was there a theme?
“I don’t think there was a theme at least from what I can remember we didn’t.”
Did you think it was a good memory for students/would you encourage people to go?
“In all honesty it was a fun experience to have because I don’t think many public schools do ring ceremonies; it’s more of a private school thing you know, like St. Pauls, NDP (Notre Dame Preparatory), Garrison Forest, etc. It was a good memory for me, not my favorite, not my least favorite, it’s in the middle.”
This year’s ring dance will be slightly different than last year. Students are allowed to bring another student to the dance from another grade if they attend Towson High. Many are excited about this as they can bring friends from other grade levels, while keeping the event mainly for sophomores. In order to purchase a ticket you must have paid your class dues ($20), and have submitted a signed contract acknowledging that you will follow the rules implemented. There’s always been a lot of anticipation for this dance, so we hope to see you on March 10th!