January Literary Arts

New to The Talisman, the Literary Arts section will feature written works by Towson High students.  Unlike Colophon, an annual publication that features written works and mixed media, only poetry and prose will be accepted on a monthly basis.

If you’re an aspiring writer, submit your works for review and possible publication.  All submissions should be sent electronically to [email protected] by the 15th of each month. The subject should be your name and grade level.  Each month will feature a new writing theme, which will be presented at the conclusion of this monthly article. Thank you for your contributions, and happy reading!

This Month’s Topic: Fall

Crunch Crunch Crunchitty Crunch

I live on a hill
and I hate walking home.
In the winter, there’s too much snow.
In the spring,
my fancy socks get wet from all the rain.
And in the summer,
It’s just too darn hot.
But I like walking home
in the autumn,
because the leaves fall
and I get to go
Crunch Crunch Crunch
Crunchitty Crunch Crunch Crunch.

-Gabrielle Davis

The Colors

From sunrise
to sunset,
fall embraces its colors.
From the cold that makes you shiver
to the colorful leaves that make you dance,
watch as the sky gives the colors of fall.
During the sunrise,
during the sunset,
let the colors amaze you.
Your eyes will stare.
Your brain will think,
“We live in a beautiful world.”
You just have to see it,
not only with your eyes,
but with your mind.
The colder,
the more we bring each other together.
Let warmth from others
be our goal,
and sights of colors
enlighten our souls.
From sunrise
to sunset,
fall embraces its colors.

-Ivian Lewis


Honorable Mentions: Patrick Mooney
Tina Luke
Samuel Dvorak


Next Month’s Topic: Anger
Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” –Ambrose Bierce